Finished LitRPG Series

Because sometimes you just want to read a story that actually has an ending.

Tired of getting invested in yet another eternal "ongoing" series? Here's 12 complete ones that won't leave you hanging.

Enora Online Cover Top Tier

Enora Online

by Arlo Adams

11 books in series to
Male MC
VR Game
Portal Fantasy
Gemini crossed the rubicon hoping to cheat death only to discover the hell his new life has become...Gemini Fowler's nightmares just became real.A death sentence. An auto-immune disorder that will end his life when it has only just begun.But hope comes in the form of mysterious tech billionaire, Nokuro Takemoto, who's offering Gemini a new life, the chance to cheat live on in a virtual world called Enora.But the AI operating Enora has an agenda of its own, and Gemini Fowler will soon learn he's just a pawn in Nokuro Takemoto's chess game against the sentient being that has taken over his game world.Welcome to Enora Online, where a rogue AI is God, and the world it has created is a virtual horror.Gemini's Crossingbegins a classic, complete 11-book LitRPG series where stats serve a purpose, story is king, and the characters jump off the page. Start your journey in Enora Online today!What Readers have to say aboutGemini's Crossing:This book is epic. Awesome storyline and great character development. Thanks for a great book.Great world-building and a great introduction book.solid character growth and good pacing really unique characters without being overwhelming and number. Definitely 5-star book in one you should pick up .Epic scope, intricate philosophy.I absolutely love the notion of end-of-life options like this. Sign me up. The engrossing world building and overall philosophy is something that sticks with you for a while, making you wonder about your own mortality and what it means to be sentient.This book made me laugh and cry throughout the book! Amazing story! The characters are amazing and makes you root for them Throughout their adventures!Looking forward to reading more of their adventures!I am hooked after reading the first book and can't wait for the next. I usually take a long time to read books, only a couple chapters at a time, but couldn't put this down.Great sample of the genre. Enough stats to geek on, not heavy on the sex. Fun relationships, great side characters. Click rules!Hey if y’all are looking for a great LitRPG series to start on this The Series! Already downloaded the 2’d book! Can’t wait!All 3 books were a lot of fun, no overly graphic adult situations, something that you would not mind sharing with friends and family.

Books in Series

Gemini's Crossing: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 1)

Gemini crossed the rubicon hoping to cheat death only to discover the hell his new life has become...Gemini Fowler's nightmares just became real.A death sentence. An auto-immune disorder that will...

Quest For Roshan: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 2)

Make friends,” the A.I. said.Gemini Fowler did. Now, the stakes have been raised, and Gemini is irate. Stripped of his gear and returned to the village where it all started, he must follow a long...

The Plague Barrens: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 3)

He's found her...The Light Priestess stands in a room atop a fortress. Guards surround the installation.Gemini has authored a scheme, but even if he manages to snag her from the grasp of the...

Breaking Ground: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Base Builder (Enora Online Book 4)

The Stone Has Fallen...Gemini Fowler and company have come a long way in a short time. They've strengthened their bonds through endless challenges and an incredible dungeon crawl beneath the...

Seran's Reach: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 5)

The game has changed...again.Having traded one threat outside his foundation instance for another, Gemini Fowler enters a new phase in his mission to combat darkness in Rubal. High-level demon...

Shroud of the Wahrsager: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 6)

The High Priestess swoops overhead, wreaking havoc on the elven forest below. A battalion of enemy forces stand ready to engage Gemini Fowler and the elves. The truce between the gods has been...

Caym: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 7)

It's come to this...A demon uprising from the Plague Barrens threatens the city of Trowlsby.The elves are under attack.Gemini Fowler's new home is barely holding on.And Underlord Caym beckons.But...

Rebirth: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 8)

Gemini Fowler’s party unseated the Governor of Knall and freed countless farmers from a life of servitude. When they eradicated the foul Wahrsager who cast a dark cloud over the university in...

Rebellion: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 9)

The first shots in the Ruballian civil war have been fired. Nodes vital to the king, captured. Sieges commenced. Unseen forces operate in the shadows to meet their own objectives while the elven...

Revolution: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 10)

When Gemini Fowler is thrust into an instanced prison and cut off from the outside world, he thinks the stakes couldn’t be higher. But while he’s isolated, the AI who has strung him along since...

The Lost Coven: A Fantasy LitRPG GameLit Adventure (Enora Online Book 11)

In the eleventh installment of the epic Enora Online series, Gemini Fowler will be tested as never before.When a mysterious plague infects one of his closest allies, Gemini must embark on a...