Finished LitRPG Series

Because sometimes you just want to read a story that actually has an ending.

Tired of getting invested in yet another eternal "ongoing" series? Here's 12 complete ones that won't leave you hanging.

Nora Hazard Cover Top Tier

Nora Hazard

by Blaise Corvin

3 books in series to
Female MC
Pure Fantasy
*Nora Hazard's story begins over three years prior to the events of Delvers LLC: Welcome to Ludus.* On Ludus, life is often cheap. Nora’s childhood hadn’t given her many options. With nowhere else to go after losing her family, she had joined an old friend in a street gang and found an unlikely home there. But unfortunately, tragedy is about to befall Nora. Grudges from the distant past and movements of shadowy organizations may take away everything she is familiar with and all that she holds dear…possibly even her life. Danger has never stopped her before, but survival may require escaping her old life and embarking on an insane, desperate journey. On the way, she might even accidentally stumble into both an incredible opportunity, and an incredible burden. Unfortunately for her enemies, Nora was no pushover before...and that was before discovering super powers! This series has: -A badass, female MC -Gritty violence -Rough language -A harsh fantasy world with its own moral compass -Bravery -Loyalty

Books in Series

Mitigating Risk (Nora Hazard Book 1)

*Nora Hazard's story begins over three years prior to the events of Delvers LLC: Welcome to Ludus.* On Ludus, life is often cheap. Nora’s childhood hadn’t given her many options. With nowhere else...

Competitive Advantage (Nora Hazard Book 2)

*Nora Hazard's story began prior to the events of Delvers LLC: Welcome to Ludus.* Nobody likes an escort mission. Nobody. Unfortunately for Nora, she'll be stuck travelling with Jessica, an...

Accounts Payable (Nora Hazard Book 3)

The last three years have not been easy for Nora Hazard, but she’s been able to create a new life for herself. Since becoming orb-Bonded, she’s managed to survive, then thrive. She’s mastered her...