Finished LitRPG Series

Because sometimes you just want to read a story that actually has an ending.

Tired of getting invested in yet another eternal "ongoing" series? Here's 12 complete ones that won't leave you hanging.

Tower Apocalypse Cover Great

Tower Apocalypse

by Cassius Lange, Ryan Tang, Ryan Tang

4 books in series to
Male MC
Portal Fantasy
System Apocalypse
Weak to Strong
My life was ordinary, but never boring. That is, until a colossal tower landed smack-dab in the middle of the city.What should have followed was mass panic and hysteria, but I never got to that part. Why? Simple. I was taken along with 99,999 other people from Earth and dropped onto an unknown world.Strange beings appeared before us—floating, featureless figures that call themselves demi-gods. They ruled this place, this fantastical world called Gaea. The reason why they took us? Not so simple. We’d supposedly been selected to show that Earth was worth saving from an upcoming cataclysmic event. So, no pressure there.Gaea is a world entirely controlled by the System, a sarcastic and level-hungry intelligence that granted everyone magical powers, strange classes based on personality or luck, monsters to fight and even loot. It forces us to compete in ‘events’ but no one can really tell us what the endgame is. Climbing the tower and finding out exactly what Gaea is, who created it, and why, could bring us closer to the truth behind our abduction and the fate of our world.

Books in Series

Tower Apocalypse 1: A LitRPG Isekai Fantasy Adventure

My life was ordinary, but never boring. That is, until a colossal tower landed smack-dab in the middle of the city.What should have followed was mass panic and hysteria, but I never got to that...

Tower Apocalypse 2: A LitRPG Isekai Fantasy Adventure

It only took the end of the world to find my calling.Unfortunately, getting rid of humanity's biggest internal threat was just the start of my trials on Gaea. Just a few short days after my...

Tower Apocalypse 3: A LitRPG Isekai Fantasy Adventure

All help is gone. Gaea is vicious and brutal. All we can do is fend for ourselves.There I was, thinking that things were finally going to get a little bit better. I had no idea how, but the System...

Tower Apocalypse 4: A LitRPG Isekai Fantasy Adventure

The walls are closing in.The more Devin Cain learns about Gaea, the more dangerous it appears. After finding a hidden shard of the broken Demigod Parfanel, Devin has become more powerful than ever...